Introductory Visit to our Projects in Nsanje!
It is March already. Back in Canada, things are warming up; the winter seems to come to an end. Here the thought of spring does not cross our mind. We are used to the warm weather, and find it hard to believe it is the beginning of March. This week we were telling the watchman that it was warm, and he thought that was amusing. He comes from Nsanje district, which is usually very hot. He thought it was very cold, although it was 27 degrees and no breeze. This week as went down to the projects in Nsanje, we experienced some of the heat, although it was a cooler day. We went as family to say hello to everyone, and were warmly received. The head teacher of the school took us to every classroom, and we were greeted with loud choruses of “Good morning sir, How are you” regardless of their age.
The children involved in a singing game at the Nursery Feeding Program in Nyampembere
It was nice to see the Day Care Centre, the school, as well as several of the nursery programs. Also we were able to see the extra feeding program, that was approved to help with the hunger. Still even until today we see the results of last years flooding, where a lot of crops were washed away. There is very much hunger now, as they are waiting for the harvest which is in April. This elderly feeding program was put in place to help the guardians of the children, particularly the grandparents, by feeding them 3 times a week. We witnessed Pastor Laimu doing a meditation, after which they all received a meal. Many of the people took the effort to get up, and come find us, to thank us for supporting this program to help the elderly.
Meditation at the “Elderly Feeding Program” at our centre. This program is in place due the extreme hunger in the area, a direct result of Tropical Storm Idai last year.
For my wife and children it was especially impressionable, as this was the first time they visited the projects. The children fit right in with the children of the Day Care, and they ended up with blisters on their feet, from running around and playing with them. It was nice to see them fit in. We met many new people and are excited to work with them, and to get to know them better.
Judah teaching the children how to use the phone.
Meeting the matron and her 4 month old son. The matron is in charge of all the food and the things necessary to prepare the daily meal for the children.