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Projects | Timotheos


Projects in Progress – Funds needed.

New Teacher Support

At the compound at Nyamitutu, a school block of classrooms is being constructed adjacent to the child care center. Timotheos Foundation in Malawi plans to hire ten teachers to educate the children that attend these classrooms. Please consider supporting the annual salary of one or more of these teachers. $10,000 USD per teacher. 

The projects carried on by our leaders in Malawi have a great impact among the people and they support the local, Christian church.

Projects Completed – Thanks for your help!

Nyamitutu Child Care Center

Nyamitutu Child Care Center was completed in Novemebr of 2017. This is a place that supported children come on a daily basis to receive a rations of food, basic education, and Bible stories. This center has a large meeting area, a large kitchen, and a community well. This center can support 250 children. The building is complete, and, as of September 2018, we have 65 children sponsored. We would very much appreciate your assistance to support the maximum number of children at this center.

Office Block Furniture

Now that the office block has been built, we need to furnish it. We have placed an order with a Malawian carpenter to build the furniture. This includes tables and chairs for staff and children, bookcases, storage shelves, notice boards, and curtain rods. Here you see a picture of the type of furniture we will be purchasing.

Chicken Barn

 It’s our aim to have these chicken barns at every Child Care Center. We do this for the following reasons:
1. Egg production which can be eaten by the children. 2.Egg production which can be sold to the neighborhood. 3. Meat for the children when the chicken have finished producing eggs. 4. Breading section so we should have our own chicks and there should be no need to buy them anymore. In the other centers this project works well and people are happy with it.

Pre-purchase of Maize

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Nyamitutu Matron House

A local Malawian mother is employed to operate the childcare center. She prepares the food, cares for the children, and oversees the activities at the center. This home was built on the compound, near the center, so that the matron would have a place stay while working. This house was completed in June of 2018.

Serious Floods in Malawi

Significant rains have damaged many homes and destroyed crops in the Nyamitutu and Phokera region. This ruined home was in the Kailedzi village. There is also a group of desperate members of the Chigumukire and Ledgi Reformed Presbyterian Churches seeking shelter at Kailedzi RPC. They desperately need help for food. Just as well as the group of members of Bwalizo and Chambuluka RPC members who are seeking shelter at Nyaphembere.                                                                                                                  You can help by providing funds that can help these families. Timotheous has identified three methods of assistance for these families. A survival kit, clothes, and homes. So you can know how to assist, the survival kit costs $45, the clothes costs $14, and a house costs $625, all USD. Please consider helping in this crisis today.