
Your contribution will go the furthest Here!

Please scroll through the categories listed below and help the orphans and people of Malawi with your gifts. Notice how much you can provide for such a small amount of money. Gerrit Oomen and the team in Malawi are working with a very low overhead so that they can help as many people as possible with your gifts.

Sponsor a child here

Contribute $20.00 monthly or $240 anually and we’ll support an orphan child for a whole year! They’ll get two daily meals, clothes, basic hygiene care, and simple Bible instruction.

Sponsor a Student here

Contribute $30.00 monthly or $360 annually and we’ll support a high school student for a whole year! This will pay for their school fees, textbooks, uniforms, and supplies.

Help With Our Annual Budget

We’re supporting a compound of buildings and various projects in Nyamitutu, Malawi. Please help with a general contribution to manage our annual needs.

Attend our fundraising events

Learn more about our projects in Malawi, hear from people who have traveled there, and help us achieve or goal of $130,000.00 for the operating budget in 2024. The goal thermometer on the right will be updated periodically throughout the year.